
Two new tools for defeating ransomware

A simple Google search of “ransomware” returns just over 9 million results. So, too, does a search for “Three Mile Island,” the location of the late-70’s Pennsylvania nuclear meltdown. And while we don’t mean to equate the near catastrophe of the latter to having your company’s data hijacked by computer hackers, ransomware can in many cases end in disaster for your business.

Outlook gets new CRM add-on

Have you ever wondered how sales teams spend their time each week? According to Salesforce, on any given weekday an average sales representative spends more than 70 percent of their time managing emails. Since they are spending more than half of their working lives in their inbox, wouldn’t it be ideal if their customer relationship management software can be integrated into it? A newly released add-on called Lightning for Outlook may just be the answer.

What’s all the buzz about data?

If an IT consultant told you that backing up data is one of the most important things for your technical team to do well, you’d probably nod in agreement. But what if they suggested that your dirty data requires cleaning prior to utilization? One simple adjective like “dirty” may give you pause, and there’s a handful of other terms about “data” that you may not recognize either.

Sci-fi or true healthcare innovation?

In hi-tech environments like IT, aeronautics, and military weaponry, the term “paradigm shift” is a bit overused, often applied to changes that don’t really meet the true definition. But in healthcare it relates nicely as several developments marking fundamental, wholesale departures from the way things are done are poised to upend the current state of affairs.