Gmail is the most popular email service today, and with good reason. It has one of the most customizable interfaces and a trove of time-saving and productivity-enhancing features. There’s plenty you can do to optimize your Gmail inbox; here are a few of them.
Nifty Gmail hacks to boost your productivity
What is single sign-on and what are its benefits?
Secure logins are a necessity in business, but managing so many user credentials can get tedious. The good news is that you can simplify your organization’s login processes without compromising security by deploying single sign-on.
What is single sign-on (SSO)?
Single sign-on allows you to use one username and one password to provide secure access to multiple websites.
Biometrics authentication is the way to go with data security
Simplify your email management with these Gmail tricks
Many Gmail users find the email service to be convenient and reliable, but they’ll be surprised to learn that the following hacks can make for an even better Gmail experience.
Undo Send
In the fast-paced world of business, mistakes happen. And because everybody deserves a second chance at writing that email, Gmail has provided a way to recall sent emails — as long as you do it immediately after hitting Send.
Single sign-on: The key to user management
From complexity requirements to minimum lengths, creating a password for a new online account can be bothersome. If your business is constantly experiencing this issue, single sign-on (SSO) can help. This technology is secure, easy to manage, and eliminates the need to remember a long list of usernames and passwords.
Here’s how you can manage Google reviews
Tips on adding value to your business data
5 online reputation management mistakes
Businesses are relying on social media more than ever to get their voices heard on the Internet. However, so many companies make mistakes that are too important to ignore, and which could seriously damage your online reputation. As a business owner you need to keep your organization in check, and avoid these common online reputation management pitfalls.
HTTPS matters more for Chrome
HTTPS usage on the web has taken off as Chrome has evolved its security indicators. HTTPS has now become a requirement for many new browser features, and Chrome is dedicated to making it as easy as possible to set up HTTPS. Let's take a look at how.
For several years, Google has moved toward a more secure web by strongly advocating that sites adopt the Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTPS) encryption.