TC Features – Administration
TC includes the following tools to help email administrators manage the email environment and troubleshoot issues.
LDAP Integration
An exporter tool can be run on any LDAP server to synchronize the configuration of users and domains automatically with the TC service.
Unified Log
The unified log consolidates information from various sources to simplify the process of diagnosing a potential delivery issue.
History and Reports
TC's Message Center reveals a rich history with searchable and sortable pages to identify sharing events or to enforce policies, such as who can use a particular AOTF address or who is part of a community allow list that’s able to send email to a specific address.
“Recipient To” and “Filter Score =, Result =” headers are available to users and solution providers for special email handling.
Open Relay Detection
TC's outbound mail auditing service can be tailored to block mail to and from the same user - indicative of an open relay condition.
Graphs and Statistics
TC's Message Center reports a range of email statistics and trends over time, such as the volume of mail sent to unknown users, spam, and legitimate outgoing mail.