US COVID-19: Workplace Temperature Screening: How To Develop and Implement A Screening Protocol

The notion that U.S. employers would engage in broad-scale temperature screening of employees would have once been essentially unthinkable.  But the realities of COVID-19 are changing the workplace, as least for the time being.  With the encouragement of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and some state and local governments, and in light of the blessing of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”), more employers are now considering the implementation of daily temperature screening[1]before employees enter the workplace.

US COVID-19: Employee Temperature Screening: What Employers Need To Consider When Deciding Whether To Implement a Screening Process

In light of concerns about the spread of the novel coronavirus in the workplace, employers are confronting important questions pertaining to the screening of employees for COVID-19 symptoms, including as it pertains to taking employees’ temperatures: May (or must) we screen employees for fevers, and if so, how should we implement such a practice?


A.I. Powered Crowd Thermal Monitoring Solution Launched by BizCare® Helps Hospitals Education and Businesses

News provided by BizCare
Lafayette, CA., April 7, 2020 -- BizCare recently released its new Crowd Thermal Monitoring Solution which helps organizations enforce their own safety and health procedures.

Although temperature screening cannot exclusively determine employee or patron wellness, BizCare's Crowd Thermal Monitoring Solution leverages artificial intelligence, non-invasive thermal imaging, together with advanced cyber-security to objectively inform affected personnel with elevated body temperatures - a primary symptom of the COVID-19 virus.

Do you know which chemicals are in your air

At BizCare, we help you track the key factors that affect air quality: chemicals, dust, CO2, humidity, and temperature. The first on the list sounds a bit ambiguous--which “chemicals” are we even talking about? The chemicals in your air that we’re most interested in are commonly referred to as VOCs, and we have quite a bit to say about them.

Green computing – for someone else or achievable by all?

A lot of press has been given to green computing lately, much of it talking about green data centers. While you may applaud the fact that Dell, Google, HP and others are putting plans into action to reduce energy consumption, you may have a lot of trouble identifying with the whole ‘data center’ discussion.

What Every Business Leader Should Do For Their Mobile Workers

The full-time corporate office where everyone is in the same building all day, every day, is clearly a thing of the past. IT Service Providers are fully engaged with supporting mobile work and, in many respects, is leading the way in helping the organization to increase productivity, enable more effective customer support, attract and retain talent and increase corporate agility.

Your Copy Machine: A Serious Security Risk?

It seems that even the most innocuous machines in the workplace can serve as a security threat to companies. According to this report from CBS News, many office copiers save the images they copy on a dedicated hard disk installed inside them. This means that everything from mundane memos to your most sensitive information such as financial statements and contracts are stored – and could potentially extracted. So the next time you dispose of a copy machine, if you’re not sure what’s stored on it and how to get it off – give us a call to help out. To see the news report, watch this video.

Tablet Computer Sales Expected to Soar on Wings of IPad Success

We couldn’t agree more with this reprint of a recent TechNewsDaily report

The success of Apple’s iPad has made consumers keen for tablet computers in general, and worldwide shipments of these devices will jump six times by 2014, according to recent analyst reports.

Cloud Computing’s Inflection Point

This may be the year when “Cloud Computing” takes off – fueled by millions of intelligent and light weight mobile devices, securely interacting with others over a ubiquitous and always-on network.

At the moment, a much more profound change is taking place – where knowledge, formerly stored in document silos, is now shared, revised and published by designated trusted communities connected to the internet.