Your affordable housing community is becoming smart and connected, but who is responsible for its cybersecurity?

In the span of a few short years, connected devices have entered into the dwellings of millions. Human intervention is no longer necessary to operate the devices — they know when and how to act. While disrupting every corner of the affordable community, who is responsible for the cybersecurity of smart connected devices?

With the increasing number of network connections, the need for cybersecurity is becoming more and more important.

Good Cyber Hygiene in a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) World


When it comes to technology, the methods employed by cybersecurity administrators have evolved as rapidly as the users and smart-devices themselves. Modern cybersecurity professionals can all relate - certainly those who practice Good Cyber Hygiene over their internet of things day-to-day.

Be on the Alert for These New Phishing “Experiences”

Watch for business email compromise, spear-phishing, and ransomware.

The year 2018 was another record-breaking year for cyber attacks, and organizations should expect more of the same in 2019. Attackers, who continue to prioritize email as the primary attack vector, are increasingly deploying more sophisticated phishing techniques to bypass traditional email security safeguards, thereby complicating cybersecurity initiatives for many government agencies and private sector businesses.

BizCare, Inc. is a 5-Star Cyber Security Firm on Clutch

There’s a common theme among businesses where their tech is causing more of a burden on their operations than serving as a support system. Our mission is to help companies optimize their IT infrastructures, utilize technologies that simplify their day-to-day activities, and protect their company!

We’ve been in business since 2009, providing next-level IT solutions to help our clients expand their businesses and navigate through the complex world of business technology.