
Healthcare providers and mobile devices

If you’re a healthcare services provider who utilizes mobile devices in daily operations, you need to ensure the patient data stored and handled by those devices are safe and private. Let's take a look at mobile data security and some of the ways you can keep your sensitive patient information secure.

Cisco utilizes AI and Machine Learning

IT systems are becoming increasingly complex to manage, so much so that humans alone can no longer make sense of them. As such, there is a growing demand for technologies that can help simplify and automate business IT. According to Cisco, the inception of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning has accelerated that ability even further, leading to outstanding long-term potential.

Top productivity hacks for computer users

We’re all obsessed with finding new ways to become more productive. Business gurus often emphasize the importance of time management and taking breaks to avoid burnout. But aside from motivating yourself to work more efficiently, there are plenty of tools that increase your daily output.